Monday, September 25, 2006

Monday, September 18, 2006

Monday, September 11, 2006

Ground Zero

Here they once stood
Ground Zero

Ground Zero on 9/11/06

New York

Soho, NY

It was a beautiful sunny day, indeed, like the one five years ago
Soho, NY

Some of them never came back
Ground Zero

Remember 11th of September

United we stand
Ground Zero

Even Gandhi showed up
Ground Zero

WTC 1970-2001

Ground Zero

How bicycles can prevent wars
Ground Zero

Announcing upcoming end of the world
Ground Zero

They came here for world peace
Ground Zero

Port Authority's Police Car
Ground Zero

WTC four years after

Silence in the lower Manhattan
Ground Zero

The Twins are gone
Ground Zero

Liberty Street 9/11/06

Ground Zero

Wall of Remembrance
Liberty Street, Lower Manhattan

The first firefighters to respond to the World Trade Center attack
Engine 10-Ladder 10, located at 124 Liberty St.

Remember September 11 2001
Ground Zero